This is not meant to be a definitive explanation--almost all of the events are wrapped in shrouds of secrecy. But the outline of events is public and it spurs the questions I ask here.
There is much to be filled in. We are in the position where we know that “someone” contacted CNN at “some point in time”—a very unusual, even unique, “point in time”—and very unusual, even unique, “rules for the debate” were set up, followed by a very forseeable disaster for Joe Biden, which was then followed by an ever increasing rise in pressure on him to step aside.
The likelihood of us ever having all the answers is small. Hell, we still argue over John Wilkes Booth’s and Lee Harveu Oswald’s assassination attempts and you could fill a mansion with all that has been written about the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. Still, you have to start someplace.
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